Wednesday 4 November 2015

Advance notice: IPWSO Board

In January 2016, IPWSO will be taking nominations for positions on our Board of Directors.  Board terms are 3 years with an option to continue for another 3 years.  The majority of board members are parents of a child or adult with PWS and all board members contribute their skills and time voluntarily; we are a fully working board!

You can see our current board members here, along with our Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board (CSAB) and Professional Providers Caregivers Board (PPCB) and our Famcare committee and you will probably recognise many of them.  The process of nomination is usually done via the country's delegate (either professional or parent) and through that country's Association.  Where there is no formal association or organisation, the delegate can still nominate a person of good standing.

All nominations go to our Nominating Committee who review candiates and talk to them individually before recommending them to the IPWSO Board.  The candidates' slate of nominees is presented to the General Assembly and voted on.  Successful candidates are welcomed aboard!

You can see more information on our website and if you would like to enquire further, just complete the e-form there.