Daniele ~ The Village Boy Becomes a Man
New parents of a baby with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) typically are devastated because they get on the internet and read about children with PWS - low IQ, lack of social skills and behavior problems. They envision their beautiful baby someday becoming this person who grabs food from others, digs in garbage cans, and cannot be taken out in public. The people who wrote those articles and did the studies obviously never met 36 year old Daniele, who lives in Italy . He is the son of our IPWSO Executive Director, Giorgio Fornasier.
Daniele - paying for dinner! |
Over the years, I have observed that in any restaurant in his area in Italy , Daniele is allowed to go back into the kitchen and greet the staff. He also gets big hugs from restaurant owners, and everyone on the streets of his village knows and greets Daniele. He always has a smile on his face and a swagger of confidence. Daniele is the altar boy at mass every week, and also prepares the altar for service. Daniele also has “adopted” two children in Brazil and pays for their care out of the money he earns.
As far as the male Italian charm, I will never forget the time we were driving and Daniele was sitting between Pam and me, with arms around us and giving us kisses on our cheeks. His dad told him to cut it out. After Daniele responded in Italian, I asked Giorgio what he said. He told his dad, “You are just jealous because you are married and I am not!”
Contributed by Janalee Heinemann, IPWSO Vice-President
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