Tuesday 21 December 2010

Season's Greetings

Isn't it amazing how the end of the year sneaks up on you before you have time to say Prader-Willi Syndrome!  And isn't it lovely that no matter how weary you feel, no matter how apprehensive you might feel about the coming festivities, your son, or daughter (with PWS) still feels excited, year after year, at the promise that something good will be coming their way? 
My daughter, now 26, buys and sends more Christmas cards than anyone I have ever known.  She also buys more presents for more people than I care to count.  She starts in August - one of life's 'planners'.  Although you might think that she gets more joy from giving than receiving, she keeps a careful tally of who has not reciprocated...
This year her cat, who is currently boarding with us, has joined the festive season of gift-giving.  Over the past twelve days, the cat has brought us gifts.  Usually in the small hours of the morning.  He loudly proclaims his generous bounty, calling for us to come and see.  He keeps this up for a while until the calls tail off in disgust with our apparent disinterest.  In the morning, we are greeting with her gift - usually a baby rabbit.  There have been three of these so far; the poor little things, not a scratch upon them, but stiff and cold.  I give them an appropriate burial.  Last night, there was the usual calling out to come and see his latest gift, and again, no answer from those whom he wished to impress, so in the morning I took care as I walked barefoot down the hallway, looking for the small offering.  Nothing to be seen.  Hmm, I thought, I wonder what that would be about then?  I didn't have long to wait; a small brown mouse with a long twitching tail and little black eyes was regarding me silently.  Alive!  A living gift!  Unhappily, I couldn't accept this little gift either, and managed to throw a towel over the mouse and take him outdoors to release.

It is hot and humid with squalls of rain here, a far cry from the storms of Europe, but wherever you are, and whatever you are doing over this season, we all hope you stay safe and well, have a lovely time with your families, and that 2011 brings you peace and joy.

PS.  (Dec 23rd)    This morning's gift was a little yellow bird...
PPS:  (Dec 28th)  This morning was a live mouse...

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